The Journey to Blockchain 2.0 and DeFi
Blockchain 2.0 and DeFi will most certainly exhibit a hockey-stick profile, but work is needed to get there.
The Evolution of Blockchain and DLT
The trajectory of blockchain and DLT adoption in financial services has tracked the typical hype-cycle path, but offers real and transformational value when applied to the right use-cases.
The Lasting Impact of COVID-19 on the Workplace and Workforce
There will be lasting changes to both the workplace and workforce, even after the COVID-19 threat abates.
Managed Services and Offshoring in a COVID-19 World
For the duration of COVID-19 and beyond, there are crucial steps that can be taken to limit the impact to global business operations.
Leading Through a Pandemic
Times like these test our endurance, resilience and compassion. What can we do to manage through this pandemic, and hopefully lessen its impact?
Digital Transformation in Private Markets
Can a digital strategy help alternative managers thrive amidst growing competition and diminishing returns?
Relationships Matter
Ultimately, it is personal relationships that are the most valuable assets.
Redefining Alpha
In a world of increasingly commoditized product, is Client Experience the new alpha?
Becoming a Digital and Data Enterprise
What does it take to drive a successful digital transformation?
What’s Next for Investment Management
A range of catalysts are forcing investment managers to transform themselves…but will they?